Hemophilia A&B

Hemophilia A&B

What makes hemophilia a different than hemophilia b? How does someone know what type of hemophilia they have? Get the answers in HemAware.

Advances in bleeding disorders care rely on research, but is taking part in a study right for you?
Older people with this hemophilia complication face unique challenges.
Thanks to the widespread use of clotting factor, people with hemophilia today are able to live much more active and...
Juniata College is a small liberal arts school in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, about 125 miles east of Pittsburgh. The college was...
An accurate log of all factor infusions and bleeding episodes is an essential part of successfully managing a bleeding disorder.
It's the most common type of bleed for people with hemophilia.
Data collection can help push researchers to new discoveries.
Careful monitoring and prompt treatment are essential.
Annual inhibitor testing isn’t only necessary for very young children with severe hemophilia A, the highest-risk patients, anymore. In fact...
The study reveals quality-of-life issues for people affected by hemophilia B.
The comprehensive care model is ideal for people with hemophilia.
These guidelines help ensure patients with hemophilia receive the right care, delivered in the right way.
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