Family Matters

Family support is critical to anyone living with an inheritable blood or bleeding disorder. Hear from families like yours in this section of HemAware.

All moms and dads will admit, even if only to themselves, that parenthood is stressful. But what stresses one parent...
Follow these tips to see that your child is safe and well supported.
With abortion access restricted in many states and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on the rise nationwide, having a conversation with...
When a child has a chronic health condition, it affects the whole family. Though it can cause uncertainty and stress...
For people with bleeding disorders, the transition from pediatric to adult health care is somewhat like the broader transition from...
Leigh Myers’ son spent significant time in the hospital for a surgical procedure when he was barely 1. After he...
It’s a pervasive problem facing young people. More than 2 million U.S. students in grades six to 12 vape, with...
The last time Jennifer Feldman, R.N., saw Derick, * a then 20-year-old with severe hemophilia A, he asked for help...
Anxiety diagnoses are on the rise. Here’s how to recognize symptoms in your child.
Many young children are afraid of needles, and many parents may have anxiety about giving their child infusions, especially in...
HemAware asked parents for their best advice on what has helped them navigate their children’s bleeding disorders in the first...
When Laura Elliott adopted Julian at 5 years old, she knew he had hemophilia, but when she brought him home...
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