Novel Technologies

Novel Technologies

Novel technologies have the potential to change inheritable blood and bleeding disorders forever. Read about gene therapy and other developments.

You only get one chance. Cutting-edge gene therapies that show the most promise for a permanent solution to hemophilia rely...
Roshni Kulkarni, M.D., recalls a time when a patient was attacked by a wild turkey and wanted advice about whether...
Remote work, remote learning, remote meetups with friends — Americans have gotten much more comfortable conducting critical (and noncritical) tasks...
Since 1966, leading immunologists, clinicians and researchers in gene therapy have been convening every one to three years to discuss...
After several decades of research, gene therapy for hemophilia is moving closer to becoming a reality. One of the most...
Brandon Downey, 32, a nurse in Chicago with severe hemophilia A, has switched treatments several times over the last decade...
Advances in treatment have made it possible for people with hemophilia to lead relatively normal lives, but Glenn Pierce has...
When the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines became publicly available in December 2020, healthcare professionals around the country called them...
When you have a bleeding disorder, staying on top of treatment regimens can prevent devastating consequences. Adherence is associated with...
After decades of research, gene therapy for hemophilia is here—but questions remain.
Telemedicine can bridge the distance between doctor and patients.
Last September, scientists, doctors, advocates and people with hemophilia gathered in Washington, DC, for the National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF) 15th...
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