Adults & Aging

Aging with an inheritable blood or bleeding disorder can be challenging. Get tips for what to expect and how to deal here.

In many parts of the country, the changing leaves and falling temperatures of winter signal a time of joy, full...
From wine and roses on Valentine’s Day to beer and barbecue at a Fourth of July picnic, alcoholic drinks figure...
Until recently, planning for retirement was a privilege most people with hemophilia didn’t get to have. That’s changed, thankfully, now...
George Stone recently began having trouble with his financial record keeping, a new experience for him. “All of a sudden...
Ask a Social Worker is a monthly column featuring questions from the community and answers from members of NHF’s Social...
Technology can be overwhelming. After all, you didn’t grow up with computers, and now they’re everywhere. Whether you want to...
Strength training is an important part of a comprehensive exercise program, especially as you get older. It not only builds...
Forget the traditional notion of older folks having little to no sex. These days, men and women over 60 are...
Don’t assume that as you age, so-called senior moments have to become a part of your future. Sure, everyone misplaces...
When Mark Deneen, 70, retired in 2010, he felt he needed to move somewhere warm. His place of residence—cold, damp...
Just as with kids, having a bleeding disorder is not a reason for adults to opt out of immunizations.
What to think about when considering surgery.
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