
New moms and dads often find themselves wishing their babies arrived with instruction books. Spoiler alert: They don’t. Instead, parents...
Halloween is a fun holiday for children, centered around spooky decorations, imaginative costumes, and copious amounts of candy. With Halloween...
“Ask a Social Worker” is a regular column featuring questions from the community and answers from members of NBDF’s Social...
All moms and dads will admit, even if only to themselves, that parenthood is stressful. But what stresses one parent...
Follow these tips to see that your child is safe and well supported.
Having a bleeding disorder shouldn’t keep you from seeing the world. Just ask Devin Smith, a recent college graduate in...
With abortion access restricted in many states and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on the rise nationwide, having a conversation with...
From wine and roses on Valentine’s Day to beer and barbecue at a Fourth of July picnic, alcoholic drinks figure...
Until recently, planning for retirement was a privilege most people with hemophilia didn’t get to have. That’s changed, thankfully, now...
When a child has a chronic health condition, it affects the whole family. Though it can cause uncertainty and stress...
Gen Z’s spending power is growing, thanks to a historic job market and strong starting salaries. But young adults can...
When you have a rare disorder, it can be isolating. Gabi Flores, 22, knows that feeling all too well, as...
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Contact HANDI, NBDF's resource center for additional information on bleeding disorders.