Chronicles of a Cheerful Clotter

Where does guilt and shame stem from? Is this something we learn in our childhood? I had a great childhood...

Hospitalizations are rough. I just got out from spending about 12 days in the hospital. It disconnects you from friends...
I’ve spent more time than I care to admit focusing on endings. Beginnings can be a bit rough, because there’s...
While at Washington Days this year, I met what I consider a unicorn. His name was Will. He was 28...
In spring, I started a new graduate school program. It was everything I hoped for and more. Along with interacting...
I recently got back into the dating world—sort of. I decided to stick with online dating, even though I hate...
Pain is a simple message received from the nerves as a warning sign when something is truly wrong. Experiencing pain...
There is a little voice inside each of us that repeats: “Are you really sure you want to do this?”...
I’m about to celebrate another year of my life. This time last year, I wrote “ Quarter-what?”, and while dancing...
As children, we all learn the ABCs. These letters lead to comprehending words in sentences and, eventually, being able to...
It was a sunny and dry fall day, and I was poolside at a hotel in Las Vegas. I spotted...
I’ve found myself apologizing a lot lately, and I’m not sure why. It’s become some sort of weird habit. I...
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