Diary of a HemoMom

Hello again, friends! Please forgive my extended absence from the blogging world. I’ve been immensely busy these past few months...
I’m a heavy sleeper, so getting up early has always been a challenge for me. During my pre-kid days, I...
Time sure flies! It has been several weeks since I posted a blog entry, but it’s taken me some time...
The death of an infant is not only tragic, but also a very confusing experience for people to process. A...
Just in case you’re new to my blog, my daughter Annika (Niki) has severe factor VII deficiency. Although factor VII...
In case you missed it, I was miserable during the final weeks of my pregnancy. So, imagine my relief (and...
Update: Our HemoMom blogger gave birth to a girl on January 24 at 3:44 am. Mom and baby are doing...
Update: Our HemoMom blogger gave birth to a girl on January 24 at 3:44 am. Mom and baby are doing...
Last spring I received my sex educator certification from San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI), a nonprofit organization that provides free...
I landed myself a trip to the emergency room a few days before we flew to the National Hemophilia Foundation’s...
Please excuse my blog hiatus. I was preoccupied with attending the National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF’s) Annual Meeting in New Orleans...
We’re used to experiencing small earthquakes here in California, but fear of “the big one” is always there. I’ve come...
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