Insist Your Child Wear a Medical Alert ID. No Excuses!

Author: Shari Bender

“MedicAlerts® are the ultimate fashion accessory,” said no one ever.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve, or your medical history on your wrist, may not be on the top of your couture list. But for those with invisible illnesses like bleeding disorders, it becomes a fashion necessity.

So, “fashion accessory” doesn’t make the list of top reasons to wear a MedicAlert.

The top reason for wearing one is this: MedicAlerts save lives.
I once facilitated a teen session where a young woman shared that her older brother was in a car accident and died. He bled to death because the paramedics couldn’t help him properly because they didn’t know he had hemophilia. This tragedy could have been avoided. If the young man had been wearing a MedicAlert ID, the first responders could have saved his life.

This reinforced the rule in my house: wearing a MedicAlert ID is a non-negotiable must for my child. As parents, you can’t always be there to protect your child. MedicAlert IDs can.

We pick our battles with our children, and our little bleeders are no exception.
At 3 years old, Rose begged to wear her “fancy outfit” to Thanksgiving dinner, and the years-long tradition of wearing her dinosaur costume to turkey dinner began.

And even though MedicAlert IDs were a must-wear, Rose could choose a bracelet or necklace version. Of note: bracelets sometimes get caught on things for the very active child and MedicAlert necklaces can be tucked into one’s shirt, which also makes it less visible if that kind of thing bothers you or your child.

And next time you’re stumped for a present, remember MedicAlert IDs make great gifts for your favorite bleeder. They come in a variety of colors and degrees of chic. Rose has her favorite and everyday stainless steel bracelet, which is apparently fun to play with while studying for exams. She also has her snazzy silver and gold MedicAlert IDs, which her grandmother loved to bestow on her for milestones like Sweet 16 or Senior Prom. Younger kids can get cool ones, too. MedicAlert IDs come in the brightest assorted colors and fun active styles.

Things have changed in the past 18 years since Rose was diagnosed. The standard MedicAlert ID has evolved into a full medical jewelry line, even ones with beads and others with easy flex sport silicone bands. But certain things stay the same. Rose still wears her “fancy outfit,” a now grown-up version of the dinosaur costume on Thanksgiving, complete with MedicAlert ID for the ultimate hemosaurus.

Be safe, have fun 
- Shari

Bender_MedicalertShari Bender has served on numerous National Hemophilia Foundation committees, including First Step for new families and Victory for Women. She cofounded the New York City Hemophilia Chapter and served as its first president. Shari and her husband Stephen remain active and helped raise more than $1.5 million to support the bleeding disorders community. This article is part of a 4-part series Shari is currently writing, "Parenting Tips to Help Raise a Happy, Healthy, and Successful Child with a Bleeding Disorder." Subscribe to NHF Notes to follow this 4-part series

The ideas expressed in this article are the author’s opinion and should not be, in any way, taken as medical advice. You should consult your own doctor if you need any specific advice about treating your bleeding disorder.

MEDICALERT is a brand to describe medical identification jewelry.