Groundbreaking Hemophilia Management Program Gets Results by Innovating Medication Therapy

Groundbreaking Hemophilia Management Program Gets Results by Innovating Medication Therapy


Last year, AscellaHealth’s Hemophilia Management Program changed the way patients, providers, and payers manage treatment for people living with bleeding disorders. Offered in partnership with the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) and Hemophilia Alliance, our patient-centric, first-in-class Hemophilia Management Program is aligned with the needs of the bleeding disorder community.

The program’s goal is to improve patient outcomes through cost-effective management of that patient’s medication therapy. Or, put simply, to promote the patient’s health by making sure they’re getting the right treatment at a fair price. There are three main components to our program model:

  • Patient Engagement and Experience
  • Specialty Pharmacy Team Collaboration
  • Data Collection and Reporting

Everything starts with providing patients with a simple way of logging their infusions and bleeds. Then, our powerful technology combines that patient-reported utilization data with physician performance data and pharmacy dispensation information that spans assay, lot, and expiration all into a single platform. Care teams then have real-time access to infusion logs and bleed alerts, allowing for quick interventions if necessary.

As many hemophilia patients already know, it’s important to catch any problems with medication effectiveness as early as possible to prevent serious events. By tracking infusions and medication adherence, our program may identify early signs of inhibitor development that would make treatment of bleeding episodes more complicated.

“Our program takes the patient’s needs first and was built out from there,” says Dea Belazi, President and CEO of AscellaHealth. “94% of the annual cost for hemophilia is associated with treatment, which makes it critical to ensure patients have a therapy program optimized for their specific case.”

Hemophilia routinely ranks among the top-10 high-cost claims conditions with up to $1 million per year spent on patient care. Given that hemophilia only affects 1 in 20,000 people, that means it can only take one person to create a catastrophe for claims budgeting. Without a program like AscellaHealth’s Hemophilia Management Program, patients and payers would continue to struggle with the challenge of managing the cost of novel drugs with a high price tag.

“We’re helping so many people address these high costs, as evidence by typical cost savings we’ve generated,” says Belazi. “One third-party administrator saved $1.5 million on their specialty spend in their first year with us. For us, though, it’s more about the individuals, like a teenager who was on Nuwiq at a cost of $725,000 annually. When placed in our program, those costs dropped to $212,000 per year.”

To learn more about AscellaHealth’s Hemophilia Management Program, contact Michael Baldzicki, Executive Vice President of Growth and Strategy, at [email protected].

About AscellaHealth

AscellaHealth, a national specialty pharmacy benefit manager (SPBM™), serving commercial, Medicare and Medicaid segments, offers high quality prescription drug benefit management services. Complemented by other customizable services, such as carved-out specialty pharmacy services and cost-savings programs, AscellaHealth provides a unique, proprietary service portfolio. Visit
