
My first bleeding disorders conference was the North American Camping Conference for Hemophilia Organizations (NACCHO­). Through NACCHO, I discovered how...
A good night’s sleep gives your body rest and stores up energy for the next day.
Stress. No one wants it, but everyone has it. And when you add a chronic illness like a bleeding disorder...
In his 30-plus years as a career counselor, Don Molter has seen students earn thousands of dollars in financial aid—or...
From kindergartners to high school seniors, kids in the US have soaring intakes of sodium. A September 2014 report by...
Blueberry cobbler and chocolate peppermint flavors entice children to try something that could be hazardous to their health—electronic cigarettes. The...
A study published online in the journal Arthritis Care & Research showed that people with osteoarthritis benefit from walking. Taking...
Amoxicillin heals your ear infection, acetaminophen relieves your headache and comfrey tea settles your stomach. However, depending on your age...
Your next workout is waiting just outside your door. Grab a rake, a push lawn mower and some gardening tools...
Now that your parents or grandparents are trusting you to stay home alone, you’re growing up! But if you feel...
Deciding if you should leave your child home alone can be difficult—nerve-wracking even. But it’s a choice that many parents...
Although arthritis may worsen with aging, you can keep your joints in motion even as you age. The secret is...
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