
Here’s what to consider if you’re looking for a job.
Just as with kids, having a bleeding disorder is not a reason for adults to opt out of immunizations.
Ease your anxieties and help ensure school officials are prepared to support your child.
How to assess your relationship with alcohol.
Ways for children to stay active, engaged and unplugged.
What to think about when considering surgery.
Advice for families who are dealing with other medical challenges.
Older adults with bleeding disorders face unique challenges. Connecting with others can help.
“I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to take my hemophilia more seriously."
In a perfect world, everyone would be knowledgeable about your child’s bleeding disorder. Here's some tips for the real world.
How to manage your own health and well-being while taking care of others.
How a committed group of advocates helped children to find their forever families.
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Contact HANDI, NHF's resource center for additional information on bleeding disorders.