The Other Side of This Life

Since it is the time of year when people start wearing sweaters and thinking about putting the winter quilt on...
One of the few ways I still amaze my wife after thirty-some years (when I'm not irritating her by doing...
We interrupt our riveting story of how I learned to put on my pants after my stroke to bring you...
Around 1 or 2 a.m. on July 11, 2010, my wife, Michelle, drove me to the hospital. As it turned...
To explore where I’ve been so I can better decide where to go next, I’ve spent the last day or...
It has been brought to my attention—again—that I expend a lot of energy giving hemophilia a rather rosy, if not...
It happened when I was 9 years old, which would make it the summer of 1955 or thereabout. Having been...
Until I was about 10 or 11, it seems every hemorrhage I had was either my knee, usually the left...
In elementary school, as I continued to grow, I tried new things and I found new ways to bleed. During...
Like I said before, we moved to Michigan in 1951, and my brother and I obligingly didn’t bleed for almost...
I was born in 1946 in Idaho. My brother was born in 1949 in Oregon. These two facts could give...
Earlier this month, I passed the first anniversary of my stroke. I hope to make that July 11 bleed a...
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