Women's Health

Women's Health

For women and girls with bleeding disorders, life is often a struggle to be seen and heard by medical professionals...
For years, doctors dismissed Lisa Webb’s heavy bleeding as just something that women in her family had to endure. Despite...
Many women accept excessive, prolonged periods as an annoying but ordinary part of being female—putting up with the monthly stress...
The onset of adolescence can be sudden or slow, but regardless, it comes with a host of physical changes. And...
How women with bleeding disorders can join the menstrual movement.
A new booklet from NHF and CDC helps women with bleeding disorders.
If you feel inexplicably tired, weak or dizzy, or experience headaches or nausea, you may have anemia.
Websites providing the knowledge and assistance necessary to improve care.
Self-advocacy and a support team are necessary for pregnant people with bleeding disorders.
A healthy pregnancy is possible with coordination between women and their healthcare team
Learn about the “lasagna method” and other tips.
Why type 3 isn’t the only severe form, plus two more facts about VWD that may surprise you.
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