Family Matters

Family support is critical to anyone living with an inheritable blood or bleeding disorder. Hear from families like yours in this section of HemAware.

In easily understood language, Raising a Child with Hemophilia covers such topics as medical treatment, genetic transmission, child development, consumer...
Fathers who share a bleeding disorder with their daughters play an important role in their lives.
Following the ABCs can help parents and caregivers ease the pain and anxiety of infusions.
“When Jorge was diagnosed, our family was diagnosed,” Cristina says. “We were going to figure this out together.”
Common outpatient procedures like tonsillectomies and ear tube placements may require additional precautions or even an overnight hospital stay for...
The joy of delivering a healthy baby can be overshadowed by depression. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says...
If you’ve ever volunteered, you know how satisfying it can be to help others. When you volunteer as a whole...
Research shows that owning a pet can boost your mental and physical health. And for families who are managing a...
Until now, people with a disability could only keep $2,000 in a savings account if they wanted to stay on...
Hemophilia Treatment and Bleed Prevention includes three educational activities on hemophilia A or B, with individual segments designed specifically for...
Relocating can cause both excitement and angst for your entire family. And when your child has a bleeding disorder, you...
Follow these back-to-school sug­gestions for your child with a bleeding disorder:
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Contact HANDI, NBDF's resource center for additional information on bleeding disorders.