Walking Helps Osteoarthritis

Taking 6,000 steps a day prevented subjects from developing “functional limitations”

A study published online in the journal Arthritis Care & Research showed that people with osteoarthritis benefit from walking. Taking 6,000 steps a day, equivalent to about three miles, prevented subjects from developing so-called “functional limitations”—problems getting out of bed or a chair, going up and down stairs, and negotiating sidewalks.

This is good news for people who typically are not able to achieve the 10,000 daily steps recommended by experts. Further, the steps can be accumulated during the course of the day, not all at once. Walking helps people with osteoarthritis by increasing flexibility, strengthening muscles that support joints, and improving flexibility and circulation.

Consider using a pedometer to count your daily steps. Then work your way up from 3,000 steps per day to the recommended 6,000, say the authors of the study.

Source: Arthritis Foundation
