When Your Brother or Sister Has a Bleeding Disorder

When Your Brother or Sister Has a Bleeding Disorder

Questions are natural
Author: Amy Lynn Smith

If you have a brother or sister with a bleeding disorder, you probably have a lot of questions. You may wonder if you will get a bleeding disorder, too. If you have a small bruise or bleed and worry it might mean you have a bleeding disorder, ask your parents about it.

You may also wonder what it’s like to have a bleeding disorder. Does your sister have a special doctor? Do those needles hurt? Maybe you worry about what games are safe to play with your brother or sister.

The more you know about your sibling’s bleeding disorder, the less you will feel afraid or anxious. 

Here are some other ideas that may help you and your family:

  • Learn more. Find out about your sibling’s treatment. Or just be there when your brother or sister wants to talk about it. 
  • Share your feelings. Talk to your parents if you’re scared or if you feel like you don’t get much attention. Those feelings are normal. Usually it feels better to share your feelings with others than to bottle them up inside.
  • Do things you enjoy. Your parents may encourage you to do things with your brother or sister, as long as they’re safe. But it’s also OK to want to do things your sibling can’t, like play basketball or ice skate. Talk to your mom or dad about trying a new hobby or sport—just for you. 

At times, your brother or sister will need extra attention. Sometimes it may even seem as if your sibling gets all the attention. But remember that your parents are doing their best to love and support everyone in your family, including you.
