
Anxiety diagnoses are on the rise. Here’s how to recognize symptoms in your child.
Many young children are afraid of needles, and many parents may have anxiety about giving their child infusions, especially in...
HemAware asked parents for their best advice on what has helped them navigate their children’s bleeding disorders in the first...
When Laura Elliott adopted Julian at 5 years old, she knew he had hemophilia, but when she brought him home...
You’re excited to go off to college, to feel the incomparable freedom of living away from home. But you’re probably...
When you’re juggling money to manage the day-to-day of paying bills and running a household, the prospect of projecting your...
Pain is a fact of life for many people with bleeding disorders, who can experience bleeding into joints. Physical therapy...
Ask a Social Worker is a monthly column featuring questions from the community and answers from members of NHF’s Social...
Technology can be overwhelming. After all, you didn’t grow up with computers, and now they’re everywhere. Whether you want to...
For the roughly 26 million college students in the US, the pandemic has been particularly disruptive. We talked to three...
Ask a Social Worker is a new monthly column featuring questions from the community and answers from members of NHF’s...
The last thing you want to think about is having your child get injured. But there are some hazards in...
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