Bleeding Disorders A-Z

Bleeding Disorders A-Z

HemAware has everything you need to know about inheritable blood and bleeding disorders. Read now to learn more about symptoms, treatment, and healthcare options.

An October 2011 study revealed a novel characteristic of HIV—it can replicate, or make new copies of itself in macrophages...
The release of two new oral medications, Incivek TM and ­Victrelis TM, in May 2011 marks another significant advance in...
The marketing terms “new and improved” and “longer lasting” are not limited to the latest brand of chewing gum. They...
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have discovered that von Willebrand factor (VWF), which helps the...
When certified nursing assistant Julie Seminara injured herself while moving a nursing home patient back in 2001, her problems seemed...
HemAware “ Takes 5” with people in the bleeding disorders community and spotlights their efforts with just five questions. Here...
Update, October 10, 2014: On October 10, 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Harvoni™, a combination of...
The same material that helps stop nasty nosebleeds also curtails cuts. In June 2011, NasalCEASE ®, an over-the-counter product manufactured...
Alicia Unger is awake by 6:30 a.m. every day. She has only an hour or two to squeeze in a...
Discussing intimacy issues when you're a woman with a bleeding disorder.
Now that some people have been living with the human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV) for decades, a unique phenomenon is...
The “captain of the school army” had Dylan Edwards in his sights. He ordered his “soldiers” to chase Dylan, who...
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