Generation Next

The next generation is the future of the inheritable blood and bleeding disorders community! Meet these rising stars.

Whether you are in the midst of your career or just starting the job hunt, young adults with bleeding dis­orders...
“Meet you at the hookah lounge” sounds like a safe way to spend your college weekends or after-work downtime with...
Carson Ouellette, 23, applied to the National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF’s) National Youth Leadership Institute (NYLI) when he was a college...
Whether you’ve known what you wanted to be since you were a kid or have no clue what’s next, your...
In each issue of HemAware , we spotlight people in the bleeding disorders community. Here, we talk to Skylar Lobdell...
During Washington Days, you can make your story count. That’s what Nikole Scappe, 23, learned last year when she joined...
Video games aren’t just for fun. Playing them can also improve learning capabilities, reported an October 2014 study, published in...
In his 30-plus years as a career counselor, Don Molter has seen students earn thousands of dollars in financial aid—or...
Perseus Patel and Michael Goldberg, both 23, have several things in common. They recently began their second year of medical...
Kyle Brown is fortunate that his hemophilia treatment center (HTC) kept ordering his medications. Ideally, his prophylaxis supply should have...
Most teenagers don’t share a piano bench with Elton John during a concert. Or drive a red Mustang, a gift...
It was December 1984, and Ryan White was a middle school student in Kokomo, Indiana. He’d just learned during hemophilia...
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