Couple faces touching

Embracing Intimacy with a Bleeding Disorder

Stronger, more fulfilling intimate relationships require frank discussion and close attention to health

Having a bleeding disorder, or being in an intimate relationship with someone who has one, raises issues that many may find difficult to confront and discuss—from when to disclose to a partner to concerns about bleeds caused by sexual activity to finding knowledgeable and understanding healthcare providers. But in order to have the type of healthy and fulfilling intimate relationship every person with a bleeding disorder deserves, it’s necessary to address such physical and emotional topics—ignoring them, after all, doesn’t make them disappear!

The three articles below delve into some of the most prevalent issues people deal with when coping with sex and intimacy and bleeding disorders. The common thread throughout them can be summed up by the old adage “knowledge is power.” Knowing how a bleeding disorder might affect your sex life is critical knowledge that requires accurate information from trusted sources. Hopefully these articles offer some helpful tips and ideas on how to acquire such knowledge, and how to create open communication with romantic partners, curious kids and healthcare providers.
