Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness and nutrition are important to anyone's overall health journey, but especially for those with a chronic condition. Read more.

Five ways to stay active while playing it safe in winter.
Increased muscle strength can help protect joints and prevent bleeds.
Prophylaxis and other medical advancements have helped make it possible for people with bleeding disorders to lead full, active lives...
Finding the right balance when you have a bleeding disorder
PTs are key players on your treatment team.
If you start now, you’ll have in place what you need to weather any storm.
If your walk, run or bike ride is becoming routine, try visiting a parcourse, or fitness trail, in your area...
When you’re tired and hungry, admit it: you scarf down a bag of potato chips, not a plum. Most of...
Stretching is a low-impact form of exercise that encourages movement, relieves stiff joints and supports recovery after a bleed. “When...
New guidelines offer science-based evidence on how food affects us.
Honey roasted peanuts. Chocolate-dipped strawberries. Lobster thermidor. Your tantalizing treat may be someone else’s toxin. That’s because food allergies can...
Indoor rock climbing can be an enjoyable and healthy exercise for everyone, even people with bleeding disorders. Because technique is...
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Contact HANDI, NBDF's resource center for additional information on bleeding disorders.