Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness and nutrition are important to anyone's overall health journey, but especially for those with a chronic condition. Read more.

Herbal remedies, weight loss medications, and other nonprescription products that are imported from other countries and that target certain minorities...
The term “basal metabolic index,” or BMI, is bandied about in popular health magazines and at fitness centers. In fact...
Dieting is not a dynamic way to lose weight. Those fad diets soon fade as dieters discover that eliminating certain...
Geocaching (pronounced geo-cash-ing) is an all-season activity that sends you, your family and friends on searches throughout the city or...
With their sleek, shiny cans and cool logos, energy drinks entice kids and teens by the millions. Despite their claims...
Cold cereal with milk provides good nutrition for kids at breakfast time, but it’s not the only way to break...
Biking gets you around, gets you in shape and gets you active with the whole family. It boosts your cardiovascular...
A study of 35,000 Finnish people, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, showed that chronic sleep loss can cause...
Cruising through the drive-thru en route to piano lessons or soccer practice doesn’t have to be a feeding frenzy of...
Swimming provides equal parts fun and good-for-you physical activity. It is one of the safest ways to be active for...
Summertime draws you out of winter hibernation and into exercise mode. If you or your kids routinely exercise when it’s...
Skip the gym, now you can exercise the do-it-yourself way at home using bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises, which include pushups...
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