Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness and nutrition are important to anyone's overall health journey, but especially for those with a chronic condition. Read more.

Six-pack abs and ripped biceps may look sexy, but in the real world, they are not very realistic. Further, they...
When it’s cold outside, it’s hard to get motivated to exercise. Luckily, staying indoors and getting fit go hand-in-hand. Myriad...
For ages, Campbell Eccles has had his mind set on one thing: joining the cast of Endurance, a Survivor-like reality...
You can change your family’s lifestyle from sedentary to active—the Orr-Browns did. After years of virtually no regular physical activities...
Millions of Americans use dietary supplements in pursuit of better health. The dietary supplement industry in the US alone is...
“Iron-poor blood” sounds like an old-fashioned ailment, but it’s not. It’s still the most common 21st-century cause of a condition...
Heading out for vacation soon, or are you already there, lounging on the beach? While vacation may mean a few...
Getting fit should shrink your waist, not your wallet. Commercial gyms and fancy equipment are fine if you can afford...
Douglas Smith Jr., 43, was surprised when, last May, the fitness and nutrition counselor at his hemophilia center in Rochester...
Whether you are running a 10K race or simply walking the links at your local golf course, it is important...
Archery is a summer camp mainstay. Just ask Tim Wicks, who has been teaching the sport at Camp Bold Eagle...
As you look ahead to the next National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) Annual Meeting, you'll need to plan ahead to fit...
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