Family Matters

Family support is critical to anyone living with an inheritable blood or bleeding disorder. Hear from families like yours in this section of HemAware.

Ways for children to stay active, engaged and unplugged.
Advice for families who are dealing with other medical challenges.
In a perfect world, everyone would be knowledgeable about your child’s bleeding disorder. Here's some tips for the real world.
How to manage your own health and well-being while taking care of others.
How a committed group of advocates helped children to find their forever families.
Parents can help brothers and sisters cope with a range of emotions.
Matt Olovich and his parents share how they made the transition.
A little planning ahead can do a lot to alleviate travel stress.
The amazing abilities of parents of kids with bleeding disorders.
For young children, their first wobbly tooth is a sure sign they’ve officially earned big kid status. For parents of...
If you have school-age children (or you’re about to), you may have heard of 504 plans and IEPs. But you...
If you have a child with a bleeding disorder, the teen years can be challenging. It’s a time when adolescents...
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Contact HANDI, NBDF's resource center for additional information on bleeding disorders.