
The first day of school: New clothes, new books and new kids to play with. You’ll also meet new teachers...
Shai,* now 8 years old, had been receiving almost-daily infusions of factor since he was diagnosed with an inhibitor at...
Renée Embry, 23, has a platelet dis­order and is a full-time student at the University of Memphis. She’s double-majoring in...
A child’s fear of and protest against the hemophilia infusion process often create a stressful situation for himself and his...
Ouch! It hurts when you fall off your bike, scrape your knee or get a bleed in your joint. When...
Hopping a plane can be stressful nowadays, as you deal with long check-in lines, baggage fees and enhanced security. But...
A select group of hemophilia community leaders visited the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) national offices in New York City in...
“Iron-poor blood” sounds like an old-fashioned ailment, but it’s not. It’s still the most common 21st-century cause of a condition...
Six years ago, when Sonji Wilkes gave birth to a baby boy, she learned very quickly that life with little...
Dave Meuleman, a materials engineer in his 50s from Canton, Michigan, stepped outside his comfort zone when he sat down...
See the “ 504 Accommodation Plan” sidebar. Like most parents, Joyce Hewitt had a back-to-school routine for her children.
See the NHF Camp Directory. Daniel Birgy didn’t want to go to camp. The doctors and nurses at his hemophilia...
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