Pain Management

Pain Management

Pain can be a persistent and troubling side effect of living with an inheritable blood or bleeding disorder. Learn how to manage pain effectively and healthily.

Many women with bleeding disorders deal with pain, and it’s not easy to handle. Heather Mary Doherty, 47, knows that...
In the past, people with bleeding disorders have been told to proceed with caution with some types of physical therapy...
When Jaycee McCain, 22, started meditating in the summer of 2010, the arthritis in his ankles and wrists, and the...
Because many pain relievers (including aspirin-containing products) can cause internal bleeding, acetaminophen is generally considered a safe alternative for people...
When Ramiro Gomez was a freshman in high school, he was already starting on the varsity soccer squad in his...
Needle pokes are a way of life for many patients with hemophilia, so the thought of paying a professional to...
Jacob Walker was curled up in bed, holding his abdomen. “I get blood clots the same way some people get...
Plucking the strings of a harp proved to be therapeutic more than 2,800 years ago. The Bible records that when...
Traditional medicine has made some giant strides in treating hemophilia. Yet for a variety of reasons, some patients choose to...
Pain has many forms. For Leland Smith, 16, who has severe hemophilia A with an inhibitor, sometimes it feels like...
People with bleeding disorders know about pain. Many live with it every day and know how difficult it can be...
For many people with bleeding disorders, pain is a part of daily life. There is the familiar discomfort and stiffness...
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