Hemophilia A&B

Hemophilia A&B

What makes hemophilia a different than hemophilia b? How does someone know what type of hemophilia they have? Get the answers in HemAware.

From the beginning, the term “Christmas Disease” caught people off guard. When readers of the British Medical Journal stumbled on...
In the early 1900s, the average life expectancy for someone with hemophilia was just 13 years. Developing the therapies that...
Your hemophilia doesn’t define who you are. But it has significant implications for how you live your life, from the...
Look up the word “mild” in the dictionary, and you’ll see it defined as “not severe, serious, or harsh.” But...
One of the most problematic issues that can occur with hemophilia are inhibitors —a complication that happens when the body’s...
When it comes to the history of hemophilia, there’s a lot to unpack. The public didn’t even have a name...
This preventive treatment can help people with hemophilia avoid joint damage.
Doctors use a number of tests to pinpoint the cause of a person’s excessive or abnormal bleeding. Read on for...
There are some key differences between hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Read on to see how they differ in terms...
Hemophilia runs in families. In the majority of cases, the bleeding disorder is inherited from a parent to a child...
People with bleeding disorders are no strangers to fighting the physical complications that come with their condition. One serious condition...
The blood clotting process is a multistep activity known as coagulation. When the entire coagulation process works properly, blood holds...
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