Winter 2015

Healthy Bites
At Risk for Anemia
Pregnant women, young children, women with heavy periods and people with bleeding disorders have at least one thing in common—they all are ...
Cold Weather Safety
As more people look for ways to warm up at home during the cold months, it’s a good time for a reminder ...
Dire Diabetes Warnings
Diabetes may be in your future, if you’re not proactive. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study published in Lancet ...
Electronic Cigarettes Hazardous to Kids’ Health
Blueberry cobbler and chocolate peppermint flavors entice children to try something that could be hazardous to their health—electronic cigarettes. The battery-operated e-cigarettes ...
Get Moving
If you made a New Year’s resolution to get—and stay—in shape in 2015, you are not alone. Approximately ¹/³ of US ...
Soaring Sodium in Kids
From kindergartners to high school seniors, kids in the US have soaring intakes of sodium. A September 2014 report by the US ...
The Doctor Is In, Virtually
It’s midnight and your child has a raging fever. With your computer, tablet or smartphone, you can now connect with a board-certified ...
Walking Helps Osteoarthritis
A study published online in the journal Arthritis Care & Research showed that people with osteoarthritis benefit from walking. Taking 6,000 steps ...
NHF in Action
Annual Meeting Highlights
The bleeding disorders community is a diverse one: There are parents startled by the diagnosis of an unexpected disorder in their newborns ...
Comedic Fundraising
What do a TV star, a juggler and a mock candidate for president of the United States have in common? They all ...
Global Focus
Advocacy in Action
The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) supports its goal of treatment for all through many programs, including Advocacy in Action. Started in ...
HERO Highlights
Living with a bleeding disorder affects more than just your physical health. Psychosocial issues also limit your ability to lead the life ...
Wave of Progress
Progress. For years, the bleeding disorders community has been waiting for meaningful progress for a greater understanding of hemophilia, for scientific insights ...
Weighty Matters
The patient weighed about 300 pounds, was 6 feet tall and had severe hemophilia A. His body mass index (BMI) was 40 ...
On the Move
Gliding Through Winter
Norwegians know the secret to surviving winter: gliding over a pristine snowscape on cross-country skis. “I started cross-country skiing at a very ...
Hemaware Jr.
Hey, Sleepyhead
A good night’s sleep gives your body rest and stores up energy for the next day.Women's Health
Virtual Learning
For six months during 2014, representatives of 14 NHF chapters from across the country gathered virtually once a month to learn new ...
A Family Affair
Isaac Orrante, 11, from Columbus, Ohio, and his parents talk about about his love for ballet.Family Matters
Coping with Family Stress
Stress. No one wants it, but everyone has it. And when you add a chronic illness like a bleeding disorder, that can ...
Generation Next
Financial Aid Facts
In his 30-plus years as a career counselor, Don Molter has seen students earn thousands of dollars in financial aid—or none at ...
Prime Time
Health Gatekeeper
To stay healthy as you get older, find yourself an expert, a healthcare gatekeeper. That’s what hematologist Patrick F. Fogarty, MD, calls ...
On Your Side
Announcing JGP Fellowship Recipients
NHF awarded 5 JGP Fellowships in 2014.In the Pipeline
Home Stretch
There are times when less really is more. With the June 6, 2014, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of ELOCTATE ...